The Cost of Living

Now that the minimum teacher's salary has been raised,the take-home pay is enough to live on. The new minimum salary is 538,000 forints per month. If you teach only part of a month, your paycheck will be prorated. The 18.5% is withheld so you will receive 438,470 forints.

The school pays for your apartment. The school also pays for water, electricity, and internet service. So basically, your take-home pay is only for food and fun.

I kept track of all of my food purchases for a 21-day period. These are from actual receipts and some non-food items like dish soap and shaving cream are included. I am not buying expensive things like steak, but this isn't a ramen noodle budget either.

(04/06) 3,202 forints

(04/06) 2,590 forints - this was a takeout meal

(04/07) 10,506 forints

(04/08) 3,436 forints

(04/08) 1,774 forints

(04/11) 7,867 forints

(04/12) 1,000 forints

(04/13) 2,500 forints - this was a takeout meal

(04/14) 11,765 forints

(04/16) 14,566 forints

(04/19) 1,000 forints

(04/20) 6,241 forints 

(04/21) 12,256 forints

(04/22) 4,391 forints

(04/25) 5,317 forints

(04/26) 1,000 forints

(04/26) 7,240 forints

That totals 96,651 for three weeks, so 32,217 per week.


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