Exam Topics

 The topics 

Family. relationships, and relatives

Tell me about your family

Tell me about the oldest member of your family.

Tell me about the youngest member of your family.

Tell me about one of your good friends.

Plans for the future - family, school, jobs, studying and working abroad 

Why is school important?

What are your plans after you graduate from high school?

Tell me about your mother's job?

Tell me about your father's job?

Daily routine, housework, evening activities, roles in the family 

What is your morning routine before school?

What do you usually do after school?

Tell me how you get to school.

Tell me about the housework that you do.

Tell me about the housework that your mother does.

Tell me about the housework that your father does.

Family occasions - birthdays, name days, holidays, and weddings 

What does your family usually do for Christmas?

How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

How do your like to celebrate your name day?

What does you family do for the Easter break?

Shopping, fashion, and clothes

How do describe the clothes you like to wear?

Your house or apartment - rooms and furnishings

Tell me about your home?

Describe the appliances in your kitchen at home?

Describe the furniture in your living room at home?

What changes would you like to make to your home?

Environmental problems - pollution, climate change, and weather

Tell me about two kinds of pollution

Describe the perfect weather for you

What can we do to slow or stop climate change?

Where you live - the neighborhood and surroundings

Tell me about the neighborhood where you live

Tell me about one of your neighbors 

Your school - classes, language learning, and after-school activities

How would you describe this school to a new friend?

Why is it important to learn other languages?

Finding a job - where people work, work conditions, summer jobs

Tell me about a job you might want in the future.

Tell me about a bad job that you don't want to do.

Meals - eats habits, favorite meals, Hungarian cuisine

Describe your favorite meal at home.

Describe a restaurant that you recommend.

Healthy lifestyle - sickness, symptoms, doctor visits, exercise

Entertainment - cinema, theatre, museums, music

Describe the music you enjoy.

Tell me about a movie you have seen many times 

Hobbies - books, TV, Netflix, sports, Tik Tok

Travel - holidays, planning and preparing

Tell me about your dream vacation?

Why do you think travel is important?

Traffic - in your town, using public transportation, driving a car

Tell me about the traffic where you live

What is your opinion of public transportation in Miskolc?

Technology - computers, the internet, smartphones

Services - post office, banks, family budget, pocket money 

Why do people need a bank account?


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